You might be wondering when is the right time for a bud trimmer upgrade. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as your trimmer works for long periods of time and, as such, is bound to need a replacement at some point.
One problem with a machine trimmer is that over time it can start damaging the cannabis buds. This doesn’t always necessitate the need to replace the machine itself, but it does require resolve as soon as possible. Most likely, you just need to send it in to CenturionPro for servicing or a tune up.
CenturionPro is always striving to improve our machines and we are constantly changing them based on user feedback. This means our new products may have new or improved features that the old machines lack. In this case, an upgrade might be necessary.
If your trimming business is thriving, you’re likely producing more and will require an upgraded machine that can keep up. Since you’ll be profiting more, you can invest in larger units to fit your new needs.
If your old machine is looking a little worn-down or even rusted, that is another indication that it’s time for a bud trimmer upgrade. Alternatively, you might just be ready for a sleeker, up-to-date look. Fortunately, CenturionPro offers an upgrade/trade-in program where you will receive money for an old machine that you can invest toward a new one.
You’ll find that CenturionPro continuously improves its machines, big and small, so they work even better. Because of this commitment, you may look to invest in a new machine every couple of years. This will ensure your cannabis is continually being trimmed and process to the best quality possible.
CenturionPro also offers a rental program, which means you can upgrade to a new machine for yourself, then rent out your old machine so you can begin making money from it. In this case, CenturionPro will direct all calls to the user offering the rental.
If you’re unsure of whether you should upgrade your CenturionPro trimmer, think of it as upgrading your phone or TV. These industries grow quickly too, and it is beneficial to upgrade your product in order to keep up.
See our line-up of new CenturionPro trimmers here.
It’s interesting to learn when it comes to getting a trimming machine that there are somethings to be on the lookout for. I like how you mentioned that when it comes to improving the machines by upgrading them to new features and keeping them working properly. This is something that should be remembered when it comes to getting the right machines working.