Harvest day has come! The long awaited process of countless hours of tending and procuring your harvest is now done. Excited? Absolutely, but for some MJ growers, there is one more process that needs to be done. The end process to cut down their cannabis buds to trim before they dry and cure them. But do MJ growers even need to trim their cannabis buds? In fact, why do MJ growers need to trim buds in the first place? Appearance, Harshness, THC Concentration, are just a few steps of the necessary end process. But before they call a crew of Bud trimmers for rent, that nasty thought of additional cost for labor while they try to stay within their budget while trying to maximize production, time, and the security, to get their product shipped can start a whirlwind of anxiety and angst, to many MJ growers.
The thought of the hand bud trimming to many MJ growers are the countless stacked piles of trimming trays, scissors, boxes of disposable rubber gloves, and additional costs to feed and satisfy bud trimmers for rent, with TV’s on hand while they munch thru lunch just to assure them the luxury of comfort so there are no time constraints while your product is being hand trimmed, can be a major pain to many MJ growers. As we exhibited the last few cannabis trade shows, many growers that attended, and that we spoke with, could not even shake hands as they encountered blisters on their hands the night before due to the many hours of bud trimming. Why? Well it could be all of the above.
What’s the remedy for all of this you say? Automatic trimming machines! Not electric scissors, not table top bowl trimmers, Automatic bud trimming machines. They don’t bark back, they work overtime, they can go for many hours at a time and most of all they can perform the work of 20-40 bud trimmers for rent. Many MJ growers are now recognizing the competition is increasing and to gain an edge of that they are now relying on automatic bud trimmers. Automatic bud trimming machines that can trim wet or dry, and the demand for these bud trimmer machines are now a necessity for many MJ growers.
These machines are designed to not lose any sugar or tri chromes on your leaves, thus assuring you the best collective leaves used for edibles, hash or caps. How to trim buds like a Pro! Easy, throw away the trimming trays and scissors, and get yourself a bud trimming machine! There’s no right or wrong way about it! Your ROI will pay itself off after your harvest. And, hopefully you’ll now be able to do what you do best, grow the best product and be able to shake hands with anyone that may come your way.
Michael Garay ~